National Council for Culture


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The National Council for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia founded in 1996 is an independent body that outlines the national cultural strategy. It monitors and evaluates the influence of cultural policy on cultural development and assesses the annual implementation of the national cultural programme.

The National Council of Culture also scrutinises proposals contained within new acts and regulations relating to the field of culture and conducts discussions and/or proposes solutions related to various cultural issues.

The president and the council's six members are public personalities from the field of culture and are appointed for five years by the National Assembly on the recommendation of the Slovene Government.

See also

External links

Nacionalni svet za kulturo (NSK) +
Nacionalni svet za kulturo (NSK) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Maistrova 10 +
The National Council for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia founded in 1996 is an independent body that outlines the national cultural strategy. +
The National Council for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia founded in 1996 is an independent body that outlines the national cultural strategy. +
+386 / 1 369 5920 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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